A Press Release From The Joural Of Applied Research (http://www.jrnlappliedresearch.com)


Announcing Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine (JARVM)

March 3rd, 2002

Newtown PA-– Veterinary Solutions, publishers of The Journal of Applied Research, are pleased to announce the launch of a companion publication in the veterinary area– The Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine (JARVM). This new and exciting publication will debut in the last quarter of 2002, and publish on a quarterly schedule in 2003.
The publication will offer rapid review and consider for publication manuscripts from all legitimate areas of veterinary medicine.
With worldwide circulation to libraries and institutions with a veterinary focus, we believe this exciting new alternative to existing outlets will expedite international dissemination of important studies in the Veterinary arena.
For questions or additional information, please contact Jim Jenkins at jajjar@aol.com or 267-566-0270.