
In Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics

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Volume 9, Number 3

The Journal of Applied Research

Table of Contents

43 Editorial
Ken Senerth

44 Effectiveness and Tolerance of Topical Nadifloxacin in the Therapy of Acne Vulgaris (grade I-II): Results of a Non-interventional Trial in 555 Patients
Helmut Schöfer, Arno Göllner, Werner Kusche, Ulrich Schwantes

52 Infant Botulism:A Review of Two Cases Reported in 2008 from El Paso, Texas
Yvonne Vasquez

57 A Randomized, Crossover Study to Determine Bioequivalence of S-Etodolac ER Tablets Versus Etodolac ER Tablets in Healthy Indian Subjects
Menon S, Kadam N, Gursale A, Gokarn V, Palekar A

63 Clinical Evaluation of the New Topical Anesthetic Formulation in β-Thalassemia Major Patients
Omid R. Zekavat, M.D, Soliman Mohammadi Samani, P.h.D, Siros Nasibi,M.D, Mehran Karimi, M.D

70 The Orexigenic Peptides in Children with Celiac Disease - Withdrawn
Przemyslaw J. Tomasik, Zofia Grzenda-Adamek, Krystyna Sztefko,
Krzysztof Fyderek

76 Tianeptine Enhances Insulin Secretion Throughout the Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
Fuad Lechin, MD, PhD, Bertha van der Dijs, MD, Betty Pardey Maldonado, MD, PhD, Scarlet Baez, MD, Marcel E. Lechin, MD

88 Core Muscle Use in Superficial and Deep Abdominal Muscles with a Crunchless Abs Video
Jerrold S. Petrofsky PhD, JD, Michelle Prowse MS PT, Gurinder S. Bains MD, Anshul Sharma BPT, Jennifer Batt BS, Shashi Gunda MPT

100 Descriptively Probabilistic Relationship Between Mutated Primary structure of coagulation factor IX and clinical severity of hemophilia B
Shaomin Yan, Guang Wu

107 Penetrability of Intravenous Biapenem Into the Peritoneal Fluid of Laparotomy Patients and the Peritoneal Pharmacodynamics Against Gram-negative Bacteria
Kazuro Ikawa, PhD, Norifumi Morikawa, PhD, Kayo Ikeda, PhD, Mitsuru Sakashita, MD, Hiroki Ohge, MD, Taijiro Sueda, MD

113 Expression Levels of Four pil Genes Encoding Type 4 Fimbrial Biogenesis Proteins in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains Prevalent in Nosocomial Infections at a Tertiary Care Center
A.H. Sabra, R. Abi-Rached, M.M. Kattar, M-Th. Khairallah, G. F. Araj, G.M. Matar

119 Functional MRI activation in repetition task using block and event-related design
Masahiro Abo M.D.PhD, Kazumi Kasahara, Wataru Kakuda M.D, Atushi Senoo PhD

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